‘CTO SEOUL CAMP 2025’에 많은 관심과 참여를 계획하고 계신 모든 선생님들께 감사드립니다.
오는 2025년 2월 21일(금) ~ 22일(토) 양일간, CTO 분야 연구영역에서 활발히 활동중인 국내외 CTO 전문가를 한 자리에 모시고 CTO 전문가들의 가치 있고 다양한 과제 발표와 함께 CTO Live 시술 코스를 비중 있게 다루는 ‘CTO Seoul Camp 2025’를 개최하고자 합니다.
교육적 의미가 높은 Live 시술 코스를 준비하기 위하여 Basic에서 advance까지 국내외 여러 선생님들을 CTO 시술에 초빙하고 있으며, Peripheral CTO 영역의 CTO 전문가들까지 초대하여 더욱 풍성한 프로그램으로 준비하였습니다.
‘CTO Seoul Camp 2025’를 통하여 CTO 분야에 대한 관심이 더욱 높아지고, 한국 의료가 CTO 분야의 우수한 기술적 자문 역할은 물론 전문가들의 국제협력을 주도하고, 한 단계 더 도약하여 Asian Pacific 여러 나라에 CTO 전문가를 보급· 양성하는 선구자적 역할을 꾸준히 담당할 수 있기를 바랍니다.
참가하는 모든 선생님들이 함께 참여하고 발전해 나가는 CTO 국제학술대회로 자리매김할 수 있도록 2025년 2월, ‘CTO Seoul Camp 2025’에 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.
Thank you to all the honored guests who are planning to participate in CTO SEOUL CAMP 2025.
For two days from February 21 (Fri) to 22 (Sat), 2025, we would like to hold CTO Seoul Camp 2025, which focuses on CTO Live intervention courses along with presentations of valuable and various tasks by domestic and foreign CTO experts who are actively working in the CTO research field.
In order to prepare for a Live intervention course with high educational significance, we are inviting various domestic and foreign experts from basic to advance to the CTO procedure, and also, we have invited CTO experts in the Peripheral CTO field to prepare a more enriching program.
Through CTO Seoul Camp 2025, we hope that interest in the CTO field will increase, and that Korean medical care will play an excellent technical advisory role in the CTO field as well as leading international cooperation among experts and take a pioneering role in spreading and nurturing CTO experts in many Asian Pacific countries.
Please show your support and interest in CTO Seoul Camp 2025 in February 2025, as all participating members actively contribute to shaping it into a thriving international academic conference.
Thank you!
Name | Center |
ByeongKeuk Kim | Yonsei University Severance Hospital |
Heeyeol Kim | Catholic University of Korea Bucheon ST. Mary's Hospital |
Yasumi Igarashi | Tokeidai Memorial Hospital |
Kenya Nasu | Toyohashi Heart Center |
Satoru Otsuji | Higashi Takarazuka Satoh hospital |
Hunsik Park | Kyungpook National University Hospital |
Satoru Sumitsuji | Nozaki Tokushukai Hospital |
CheolWoong Yu | Korea University Anam Hospital |
Name | Center |
ByeongKeuk Kim | Yonsei University Severance Hospital |
Heeyeol Kim | Catholic University of Korea Bucheon ST. Mary's Hospital |
Yasumi Igarashi | Tokeidai Memorial Hospital |
Kenya Nasu | Toyohashi Heart Center |
Satoru Otsuji | Higashi Takarazuka Satoh hospital |
Hunsik Park | Kyungpook National University Hospital |
Satoru Sumitsuji | Nozaki Tokushukai Hospital |
CheolWoong Yu | Korea University Anam Hospital |
페이지 준비중 입니다.
Venue: Grand Ballroom, Seoul Dragon City | Venue: Grand Ballroom, Seoul Dragon City | ||||
Coronary CTO Live / 3F, Grand Ballroom Hanra 3 [Only English] |
Peripheral CTO Live / 3F, Grand Ballroom Hanra 1 [Only English] |
08:30-09:00 | Registration | 08:30-09:00 | Registration | ||
09:00-18:10 | Coronary CTO Symposium & Live | 10:30-15:10 | Peripheral CTO Symposium & Live | ||
08:50-09:00 | Opening Remark | 최동훈 | |||
09:00-10:30 | CTO Live I | 박헌식 이내희 Satoru Otsuji |
Live Case Transmission 1 Operator: 1st 김병극 / 2nd 이승준 |
Live Case Transmission 2 Operator: 1st Yasumi Igarashi / 2nd 이용준 |
CT Commentator: 신상훈 | |||||
Panelist : 김상욱, 도준형, 이상록, 이승환(건대), 이재환, 이준희, 이진배, 조현승, 최정호, Takafumi Tsuji, Yoshifumi Kashima | |||||
Key Lecture 1 | State of Art: Current Position of IVUS in CTO PCI at 10-year after the CTO-IVUS Trial | Satoru Sumitsuji | |||
10:30-10:50 | Coffee Break | ||||
10:50-12:20 | CTO Live II | 김희열 유철웅 Ichiro Hamanaka |
10:30-12:20 | Peripheral CTO Live 1 | 최동훈 나승운 민필기 |
Live Case Transmission 3 Operator: 1st Kenya Nasu / 2nd 홍성진 |
Live Case Transmission 1 Operator: 1st 고영국 / 2nd 이승준 / 3rd 진인태 |
Live Case Transmission 4 Operator: 1st Satoru Sumitsuji / 2nd 이상협 |
1. New Devices and Technique for Femoropopliteal CTO Intervention | Michinao Tan | |||
CT Commentator: 신상훈 | 2. Imaging Guided Peripheral Intervention Impact on Clinical Outcome | 안철민 | |||
3. EVT of Thrombus Containing Lesion | 김태오 | ||||
Panelist : 김원, 김찬준, 오규철, 윤성보, 이경훈, 조상철, 최소연, 최진호, 하상진, 한주용, Maoto Habara | 4. Retrograde Approach : Where to Puncture and How ? | 이종영 | |||
Key Lecture 2 | A Big Step Forward for Imaging-Guided CTO PCI: CT, IVUS, OCT | 원호연 | Discussion Panelist : 권준호, 김원호, 김이식, 김중민, 김태오, 김형수, Riho Suzuki, Shuko Iwata, Takashi Miwa |
12:20-13:20 | Luncheon Symposium | 전동운 윤영원 |
12:20-13:20 | Luncheon Symposium | 고충원 조윤형 |
1. 도터 | TBD | 1. 암젠 | TBD | ||
2. 애보트 | TBD | ||||
Panelist : 강인숙, 김호연, 노지웅, 류현민, 우성일, 원기범, 조성우 | Panelist : 강상욱, 김정환, 윤영진, 이주명, 조정환 | ||||
13:20-13:50 | Celebrating Lecture for CTO Camp and CTO Master Award Session | 장양수 김병극 |
13:20-15:10 | Peripheral CTO Live 2 | 고영국 이재환 최승혁 |
CTO Master Award and Special Lecture | Live Case Transmission 2 Operator: 1st 안철민, Michinao Tan / 2nd 이오현 / 3rd 이재오 |
1. How to Improve Penetration & Revascularization - Wire and Microcatheter | 김수홍 | ||||
13:50-15:20 | CTO Live III | 장양수 채인호 Kenya Nasu |
2. How to Improve Patency - Drug Technology & Medical Treatment | 김태오 | |
Live Case Transmission 5 Operator: 1st Takafumi Tsuji / 2nd 전보경 |
3. How to Overcome Calcification - Lithotripsy / Debulking / Piercing | Shuko Iwata | |||
CT Commentator: 신상훈 | 4. Is BRS Applicable in BTK Lesions ? | 원제환 | |||
Panelist : 양태현, 윤명호, 이상곤, 이승환(아산), 이장훈, 이중희, 이창훈, 조덕규, 한승환, 황병희, Hiromasa Katoh | Discussion | ||||
Key Lecture 3 | Tip & Trick of Rota-Atherectomy for the Severe Calcification | Yoshifumi Kashima | Panelist : 공준혁, 김주한, 박종일, 이봄, 장지용, 조성수, Riho Suzuki, Takashi Miwa | ||
Key Lecture 4 | Impact of Advanced Atherectomy Devices (DAC/IVL) for CTO | Hiromasa Katoh | |||
15:20-15:40 | Coffee Break | ||||
15:40-16:50 | Symposium 1 - Debating Issue for CTO PCI | 김두일 홍범기 Yasumi Igarashi |
1. I Always Perform Pre-Procedure CT Scans Before CTO PCI | 신상훈 | ||||
2. An In-Depth Coronary Angiography Review Is Sufficient for Successful CTO PCI | Maoto Habara | ||||
Discussion | |||||
3. Cons to "ADR" : Other Options Should Be Considered Instead of ADR | 한정규 | ||||
4. Pros to "ADR" : ADR Is Efficient When Used Properly | Kenya Nasu | ||||
Discussion | |||||
Panelist: 김명곤, 박상호, 박종관, 신정훈, 장재식, 조정래, 허성호, 홍영준, Zhe Hao Piao | |||||
16:50-18:00 | Symposium 2 - Classic Issues in CTO PCI | 김병극 Satoru Otsuji Atsunori Okamura |
1. Step-by-Step Process for the Antegrade Approach in CTO PCI | Satoru Otsuji | ||||
2. Step-by-Step Process for the Retrograde Approach in CTO PCI | 전국진 | ||||
Discussion | |||||
3. The Role of IVUS for the Proper Wire Location | Atsunori Okamura | ||||
4. The Role of OCT Enhancing CTO-PCI Outcomes After Successful Wiring | |||||
Discussion | |||||
Panelist : 권택근, 김광실, 김병진, 김용철, 김웅, 김태훈, 서정원, 신동호, 조윤형, 차정준, Yoshifumi Kashima | |||||
18:00-18:20 | Closing Remark | ||||
18:20-21:00 | CTO CAMP Gala Dinner & Lucky Draw |
Venue: Grand Ballroom, Seoul Dragon City | Venue: Grand Ballroom, Seoul Dragon City | ||||
Coronary CTO Symposium / 3F, Grand Ballroom Hanra - Room A [Only English] |
Coronary CTO Symposium / 3F, Grand Ballroom Hanra - Room B [Only English] |
08:30-09:00 | Registration | 08:30-09:00 | Registration | ||
09:00-10:30 | Symposium 3 - In-Depth Review of CTO Guide-Wire Crossing Technique | 장양수 Kenya Nasu |
09:00-10:30 | CTO Symposium for Future CTO Expert 1: CTO World Class Wars | 유철웅 김병극 Takafumi Tsuji |
1. Optimal Crossing Strategy for Heavily Calcified CTO | Ichiro Hamanaka | 1. TBD | 전호성 | ||
2. Utilizing Dual-Lumen Catheter for Successful Wiring | 이중희 | 2. TBD | 조성수 | ||
3. Real World Application of Penetration Plane Method | Kenya Nasu | 3. TBD | Chun-Chin Chang | ||
4. New Guide-Wire & Microcatheter for CTO: My Experience | Shunsuke Matsuno | 4. TBD | 임채완 | ||
5. Pre-Procedure Planning from CT Image: Approach, Wire Selection | 신상훈 | 5. When We Encounter Difficulty in Wire Externalization, The Tip-In Technique Can Serve as a Viable Solution | 이규섭 | ||
Panelist : 권성욱, 김현숙, 박경우, 박종선, 배장호, 서용성, 이용구, 이지현, 이현상, 홍성진, Shunsuke Matsuno | Panelist : 김지박, 윤영원, 이승준, 이진호, 임채완, 조상용, 조성수, 최연우, Maoto Habara, Takashi Miwa, Tse-Min Lu | ||||
10:30-10:50 | Coffee Break | 10:30-10:50 | Coffee Break | ||
10:50-12:20 | Symposium 4 - Beyond Technical Issue of CTO PCI | 장양수 김희열 Yasumi Igarashi |
10:30-12:20 | CTO Symposium for Future CTO Expert 2: One Point Lessons from Master [Korean] | 최동훈 박헌식 |
1. Which Patients Is Real Indication for CTO PCI? | 윤혁준 | 1. CASE from Beginner | 황도연 | ||
2. Understanding Histopathology of CTO for Successful PCI | 조정래 | 2. If My Patients, My Plan Is… | 이중희 | ||
3. Access Site, Guiding, Fundamental View Selection | Satoru Sumitsuji | 3. CASE from Beginner | 최연직 | ||
4. Radiation Hazard During Complex CTO PCI | 이상엽 | 4. If my patients, My Plan Is… | 서존 | ||
5. How to Reduce Contrast Volume? Prevention of CIN | Hiromasa Katoh | Discussion | |||
Panelist : 김동빈, 김이식, 김중선, 배장환, 백주열, 이승진, 천우정, Hiromasa Katoh, Satoru Sumitsuji | Panelist : 김제상, 김충기, 김형수, 박경택, 박상민, 박형복, 안철민, 이오현, 이용준, 전보경, 조형원 | ||||
12:20-13:50 | The Masters Meet the Masters(with Lunch) | 김효수 Satoru Sumitsuji |
12:30-14:15 | KCTA Allied Professionals Session in CTO Camp 2025 | |
1. TBD | Atsunori Okamura | 12:30-12:35 | Opening Remark | 신용학 | |
2. TBD | Takafumi Tsuji | 12:35-13:30 | Featured Lecture | 이민석 김태우 |
3. Overview of Contemporary Reverse CART | Ichiro Hamanaka | 12:35-12:50 | 1. Role of Images for Stent Optimization in CTO ? | 임재윤 | |
4. Everytime Whenever I met, Put Me in Trouble. How to Save the Side Branch? | 이종영 | 12:50-13:05 | 2. When to Continue, When to Stop ? | 남진우 | |
5. Heavily Calcified CTO Interventions | Maoto Habara | 13:05-13:20 | 3. How to Use Atherectomy Devices in PAD Lesions ? | 장보승 | |
Panelist: 서석민, 서재빈, 원호연, 이봉기, 이승률, 최현희, 허정호, Atsunori Okamura, Ichiro Hamanaka, Shunsuke Matsuno | 13:20-13:30 | Discussion | |||
Panelist: 강준원, 박경진, 백성일, 신용학, 윤현기, 전병원 | |||||
13:30-14:15 | Case presentation | 임세영 김소영 |
13:30-13:40 | CTO Complication Management | 김소정 | |||
13:40-13:50 | Retrograde CTO-Reverse CART Technique | 황환주 | |||
13:50-14:00 | How to Manage Complication of CTO Intervention ? | 김혁수 | |||
14:00-14:10 | Discussion | ||||
Panelist: 노진석, 문용선, 박창순, 이승훈, 임도형, 장대석 | |||||
13:50-14:00 | Closing Remark | 장양수 | 14:10-14:15 | Closing Remark | 백성일 |
Venue: Grand Ballroom, Seoul Dragon City | Venue: Grand Ballroom, Seoul Dragon City | ||||
Coronary CTO Live / 3F, Grand Ballroom Hanra 3 [Only English] |
Peripheral CTO Live / 3F, Grand Ballroom Hanra 1 [Only English] |
08:30-09:00 | Registration | 08:30-09:00 | Registration | ||
09:00-18:10 | Coronary CTO Symposium & Live | 10:30-15:10 | Peripheral CTO Symposium & Live | ||
08:50-09:00 | Opening Remark | Donghoon Choi | |||
09:00-10:30 | CTO Live I | Hun Sik Park Nae-Hee Lee Satoru Otsuji |
Live Case Transmission 1 Operator: 1st Byeong-Keuk Kim / 2nd Seung-Jun Lee |
Live Case Transmission 2 Operator: 1st Yasumi Igarashi / 2nd Yong-Joon Lee |
CT Commentator: Sang Hoon Shin | |||||
Panelist : Sang Wook Kim, Joon Hyung Doh, Sang Rok Lee, Seung Hwan Lee, Jae-Hwan Lee, Jun-Hee Lee, Jin Bae Lee, Hyun Sung Joh, Jung Ho Choi, Takafumi Tsuji, Yoshifumi Kashima | |||||
Key Lecture 1 | State of Art: Current Position of IVUS in CTO PCI at 10-year after the CTO-IVUS Trial | Satoru Sumitsuji | |||
10:30-10:50 | Coffee Break | ||||
10:50-12:20 | CTO Live II | Hee Yeol Kim Cheol Woong Yu Ichiro Hamanaka |
10:30-12:20 | Peripheral CTO Live 1 | Donghoon Choi Seung-Woon Rha Pil Ki Min |
Live Case Transmission 3 Operator: 1st Kenya Nasu / 2nd Sung Jin Hong |
Live Case Transmission 1 Operator: 1st Young-Guk Ko / 2nd Seung-Jun Lee / 3rd In Tae Jin |
Live Case Transmission 4 Operator: 1st Satoru Sumitsuji / 2nd Sang-Hyup Lee |
1. New Devices and Technique for Femoropopliteal CTO Intervention | Michinao Tan | |||
CT Commentator: Sang Hoon Shin | 2. Imaging Guided Peripheral Intervention Impact on Clinical Outcome | Chul-Min Ahn | |||
3. EVT of Thrombus Containing Lesion | Tae-oh Kim | ||||
Panelist : Weon Kim, Chan Joon Kim, Gyu Chul Oh, Seong-Bo Yoon, Kyounghoon Lee, Sang Cheol Cho, So-Yeon Choi, Jin-Ho Choi, Sang Jin Ha, Joo Yong Hahn, Maoto Habara | 4. Retrograde Approach : Where to Puncture and How ? | Jong-Young Lee | |||
Key Lecture 2 | A Big Step Forward for Imaging-Guided CTO PCI: CT, IVUS, OCT | Hoyoun Won | Discussion Panelist : Joon Ho Kwon, Wonho Kim, Yi Sik Kim, Joongmin Kim, Tae-oh Kim, Hyeongsoo Kim, Riho Suzuki, Shuko Iwata, Takashi Miwa |
12:20-13:20 | Luncheon Symposium | Dong Woon Jeon Young Won Yoon |
12:20-13:20 | Luncheon Symposium | Choong-Won Goh Yun-Hyeong Cho |
1. 도터 | TBD | 1. 암젠 | TBD | ||
2. 애보트 | TBD | ||||
Panelist : In Sook Kang, Hoyeon Kim, Ji Woong Roh, Hyeon Min Ryu, Seong-Ill Woo, Ki Bum Won, Sung Woo Cho | Panelist : Sang-Wook Kang, Jung Hwan Kim, Young Jin Youn, Joo Myung Lee, Jeonghwan Cho | ||||
13:20-13:50 | Celebrating Lecture for CTO Camp and CTO Master Award Session | Yangsoo Jang Byeong-Keuk Kim |
13:20-15:10 | Peripheral CTO Live 2 | Young-Guk Ko Jae-Hwan Lee Seung Hyuk Choi |
CTO Master Award and Special Lecture | Live Case Transmission 2 Operator: 1st Chul-Min Ahn, Michinao Tan / 2nd Oh-Hyun Lee / 3rd Jaeoh Lee |
1. How to Improve Penetration & Revascularization - Wire and Microcatheter | Su Hong Kim | ||||
13:50-15:20 | CTO Live III | Yangsoo Jang In-Ho Chae Kenya Nasu |
2. How to Improve Patency - Drug Technology & Medical Treatment | Tae-oh Kim | |
Live Case Transmission 5 Operator: 1st Takafumi Tsuji / 2nd Bo Kyung Jeon |
3. How to Overcome Calcification - Lithotripsy / Debulking / Piercing | Shuko Iwata | |||
CT Commentator: Sang Hoon Shin | 4. Is BRS Applicable in BTK Lesions ? | Je Hwan Won | |||
Panelist : Tae-Hyun Yang, Myeong-Ho Yoon, Sang-Gon Lee, Seung Whan Lee, Janghoon Lee, Jung-Hee Lee, Chang Hoon Lee, Deok-Kyu Cho, Seung Hwan Han, Byung-Hee Hwang, Hiromasa Katoh | Discussion | ||||
Key Lecture 3 | Tip & Trick of Rota-Atherectomy for the Severe Calcification | Yoshifumi Kashima | Panelist : Joon Hyuk Kong, Ju Han Kim, Jong-Il Park, Bom Lee, Ji Yong Jang, Sung Soo Cho, Riho Suzuki, Takashi Miwa | ||
Key Lecture 4 | Impact of Advanced Atherectomy Devices (DAC/IVL) for CTO | Hiromasa Katoh | |||
15:20-15:40 | Coffee Break | ||||
15:40-16:50 | Symposium 1 - Debating Issue for CTO PCI | Doo Il Kim Bum Kee Hong Yasumi Igarashi |
1. I Always Perform Pre-Procedure CT Scans Before CTO PCI | Sang Hoon Shin | ||||
2. An In-Depth Coronary Angiography Review Is Sufficient for Successful CTO PCI | Maoto Habara | ||||
Discussion | |||||
3. Cons to "ADR" : Other Options Should Be Considered Instead of ADR | Jung-Kyu Han | ||||
4. Pros to "ADR" : ADR Is Efficient When Used Properly | Kenya Nasu | ||||
Discussion | |||||
Panelist : Myeong-Kon Kim, Sang-Ho Park, Jong Kwan Park, Jeong-Hun Shin, Jae-Sik Jang, Jung Rae Cho, Sung Ho Her, Young Joon Hong, Zhe Hao Piao | |||||
16:50-18:00 | Symposium 2 - Classic Issues in CTO PCI | Byeong-Keuk Kim Satoru Otsuji Atsunori Okamura |
1. Step-by-Step Process for the Antegrade Approach in CTO PCI | Satoru Otsuji | ||||
2. Step-by-Step Process for the Retrograde Approach in CTO PCI | Kook-Jin Chun | ||||
Discussion | |||||
3. The Role of IVUS for the Proper Wire Location | Atsunori Okamura | ||||
4. The Role of OCT Enhancing CTO-PCI Outcomes After Successful Wiring | |||||
Discussion | |||||
Panelist : Taek-Geun Kwon, Gwang Sil Kim, Byung Jin Kim, Yongcheol Kim, Ung Kim, Tae Hoon Kim, Jung-Won Suh, Dong Ho Shin, Yun-Hyeong Cho, Jung-Joon Cha, Yoshifumi Kashima | |||||
18:00-18:20 | Closing Remark | ||||
18:20-21:00 | CTO CAMP Gala Dinner & Lucky Draw |
Venue: Grand Ballroom, Seoul Dragon City | Venue: Grand Ballroom, Seoul Dragon City | ||||
Coronary CTO Symposium / 3F, Grand Ballroom Hanra - Room A [Only English] |
Coronary CTO Symposium / 3F, Grand Ballroom Hanra - Room B [Only English] |
08:30-09:00 | Registration | 08:30-09:00 | Registration | ||
09:00-10:30 | Symposium 3 - In-Depth Review of CTO Guide-Wire Crossing Technique | Yangsoo Jang Kenya Nasu |
09:00-10:30 | CTO Symposium for Future CTO Expert 1: CTO World Class Wars | Cheol Woong Yu Byeong-Keuk Kim Takafumi Tsuji |
1. Optimal Crossing Strategy for Heavily Calcified CTO | Ichiro Hamanaka | 1. TBD | Ho Sung Jeon | ||
2. Utilizing Dual-Lumen Catheter for Successful Wiring | Jung-Hee Lee | 2. TBD | Sung Soo Cho | ||
3. Real World Application of Penetration Plane Method | Kenya Nasu | 3. TBD | Chun-Chin Chang | ||
4. New Guide-Wire & Microcatheter for CTO: My Experience | Shunsuke Matsuno | 4. TBD | Chewan Lim | ||
5. Pre-Procedure Planning from CT Image: Approach, Wire Selection | Sang Hoon Shin | 5. When We Encounter Difficulty in Wire Externalization, The Tip-In Technique Can Serve as a Viable Solution | Kyusup Lee | ||
Panelist : Sung Uk Kwon, Hyun-Sook Kim, Kyung Woo Park, Jong-Seon Park, Jang-Ho Bae, Yongsung Suh, Yonggu Lee, Ji Hyun Lee, Hyeon-Sang Lee, Sung Jin Hong, Shunsuke Matsuno | Panelist : Ji Bak Kim, Young Won Yoon, Seung-Jun Lee, Jinho Lee, Chewan Lim, Sang yong Jo, Sung Soo Cho, Yeonwoo Choi, Maoto Habara, Takashi Miwa, Tse-Min Lu | ||||
10:30-10:50 | Coffee Break | 10:30-10:50 | Coffee Break | ||
10:50-12:20 | Symposium 4 - Beyond Technical Issue of CTO PCI | Yangsoo Jang Hee Yeol Kim Yasumi Igarashi |
10:30-12:20 | CTO Symposium for Future CTO Expert 2: One Point Lessons from Master [Korean] | Donghoon Choi Hun Sik Park |
1. Which Patients Is Real Indication for CTO PCI? | Hyuck Jun Yoon | 1. CASE from Beginner | Doyeon Hwang | ||
2. Understanding Histopathology of CTO for Successful PCI | Jung Rae Cho | 2. If My Patients, My Plan Is… | Jung-Hee Lee | ||
3. Access Site, Guiding, Fundamental View Selection | Satoru Sumitsuji | 3. CASE from Beginner | Yeon-Jik Choi | ||
4. Radiation Hazard During Complex CTO PCI | Sang Yeub Lee | 4. If my patients, My Plan Is… | Jon Suh | ||
5. How to Reduce Contrast Volume? Prevention of CIN | Hiromasa Katoh | Discussion | |||
Panelist : Dong-Bin Kim, Yi Sik Kim, Jung-Sun Kim, Jang-Whan Bae, Ju Yeol Baek, Seung Jin Lee, Woo Jung Chun, Hiromasa Katoh, Satoru Sumitsuji | Panelist : Je Sang Kim, Choongki Kim, Hyeongsoo Kim, Kyung-Taek Park, Sang Min Park, Hyung-Bok Park, Chul-Min Ahn, Oh-Hyun Lee, Yong-Joon Lee, Bo Kyung Jeon, Hyoung-won Cho | ||||
12:20-13:50 | The Masters Meet the Masters(with Lunch) | Hyo-Soo Kim Satoru Sumitsuji |
12:30-14:15 | KCTA Allied Professionals Session in CTO Camp 2025 | |
1. TBD | Atsunori Okamura | 12:30-12:35 | Opening Remark | 신용학 | |
2. TBD | Takafumi Tsuji | 12:35-13:30 | Featured Lecture | 이민석 김태우 |
3. Overview of Contemporary Reverse CART | Ichiro Hamanaka | 12:35-12:50 | 1. Role of Images for Stent Optimization in CTO ? | 임재윤 | |
4. Everytime Whenever I met, Put Me in Trouble. How to Save the Side Branch? | Jong-Young Lee | 12:50-13:05 | 2. When to Continue, When to Stop ? | 남진우 | |
5. Heavily Calcified CTO Interventions | Maoto Habara | 13:05-13:20 | 3. How to Use Atherectomy Devices in PAD Lesions ? | 장보승 | |
Panelist: Suk Min Seo, Jae Bin Seo, Hoyoun Won, Bong-Ki Lee, Seung-Yul Lee, Hyun-Hee Choi, Jung Ho Heo, Atsunori Okamura, Ichiro Hamanaka, Shunsuke Matsuno | 13:20-13:30 | Discussion | |||
Panelist: 강준원, 박경진, 백성일, 신용학, 윤현기, 전병원 | |||||
13:30-14:15 | Case presentation | 임세영 김소영 |
13:30-13:40 | CTO Complication Management | 김소정 | |||
13:40-13:50 | Retrograde CTO-Reverse CART Technique | 황환주 | |||
13:50-14:00 | How to Manage Complication of CTO Intervention ? | 김혁수 | |||
14:00-14:10 | Discussion | ||||
Panelist: 노진석, 문용선, 박창순, 이승훈, 임도형, 장대석 | |||||
13:50-14:00 | Closing Remark | Yangsoo Jang | 14:10-14:15 | Closing Remark | 백성일 |
구분 | 등록비 | |
사전등록 | 현장등록 | |
전문의, 일반의 | 5만원 | 7만원 |
그 외 무료 |
※ 등록비에는 Luncheon Session (2.21~22) 식사 비용이 포함되어 있습니다.
은행 정보 | |
은행명 | 우리은행 |
예금주 | 심혈관연구원 |
계좌번호 | 1005-102-619627 |
Qualification | On-site Participation | Online Participation | |
Pre-Registration | On-site Registration | ||
Physician, Clinician | KRW 50,000 | KRW 70,000 | Free |
Others | free |
※ Registration fee includes luncheon session meals on 2.21~22.
Bank Information | |
Name of Bank | Woori Bank |
Account Holder | Cardiovascular Research Center (CVRC) |
Account Number | 1005-102-619627 |
※ When you make a bank transfer, please make sure to include your full name to recognize you easier.